Thursday, September 30, 2010

Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO

  So, I've been playing WoW now for about 5 years, and I'm a hardcore Star Wars fan, so obviously my ears perked up when I heard there's a Star Wars MMO in the progress. So I googled Star Wars MMO, and found Star Wars: The Old Republic. It's being developed by Bioware, the same Canadian company responsible for Mass Effect 1 & 2 and Dragon Age: Origins, which I LOVED for their dialogue and story.

  I've been following this game since it's announcement in early 2008. Bioware has said that in addition to combat, economy and society, this MMO will have a fourth "pillar", story.

There are 8 classes, and as of now 3 races. Just like in WoW, there is a Dark Side and a Light Side, like Horde and Alliance. The Light side has the Jedi Knight (melee damage, tank), the Jedi Consular (magic damage, heals), the Smuggler (range damage) and the Trooper (range damage, range tank).
The Dark Side has the Sith Warrior (melee damage, tank), the Sith Inquisitor (range damage, heals), the Imperial Agent (range damage) and the bounty hunter (range damage, range tank).

It's set 300 years after the events of Knights of the Old Republic, a singleplayer RPG Bioware developed in 2001. The Sith and the Jedi are at war, and planets and alliances are arrayed against eachother, yadda yadda yadda. Each player ets his own ship, and possibly the ability to purchase bigger ones later on. Along with standard MMO 3rd person combat and party/raid combat, there is also gonna be space combat. Shooting stuff in starships. Sheeyuh.The choreography and precision in the fighting animations adds a HUGE amount of realism to the game (from what I can tell from the demos), and the graphics and visuals look absolutely superb for an MMO.

There will be just as much dialogue, story and character development as you would expect from a Bioware game, and possibly more. All in all, I'm SUPER stoked for this game.


  1. If it wasn't P2P, I would totally jump into this. (Actually, I might regardless..)

  2. Nice vid, I didnt get the chance to go to E3 '09, but I did get to go to the 2010 one :D

  3. God damn, they need to make a movie out of these CGI things.

    Anyway, I'm not a huge fan of MMOs but it is the sequel to KOTOR...

  4. Heard a lot about this game, have to keep my ears open on this one as soon as I get my Windows PC back...

  5. yeah fuzzy, this is like WoW was the to warcraft series, an expansion of the kotor story in MMO form

  6. I *NEED* this MMO to come out, I've been bored as hell of MMOs. Currently playing VG but even getting sick of that.

  7. oh hello kind sir, have me met yet? =)

    smoochies n' poopies! :*

  8. yeah bioware is one of the best video game companies in the market right now

  9. StarWars blog awesome! ARemember the website I miss it lol

  10. when is it supposed to come out?

  11. @Mr. Smith, release date is fall 2011, pretty vague :(
